On Wednesday we drove to Arles, a city on the Rhone river. I was completely blown away by how ugly the riverfront was - paved and industrial, about the same as the Los Angeles riverfront except older so the paved channel looks kind of cobble-stone-y instead of concrete. City scene in Arles:

Arles' leftover Roman junk earned it a spot on the World Heritage Site list. The amphitheatre, you have to hand it to those Romans, is still in remarkably usable shape:

Roberta was no longer able to hide her true feelings:

Perhaps Arles' greatest claim to fame is having triggered the rapid deterioration of Vincent van Gogh's mental health. Van Gogh painted some of his most famous paintings (and left his ear) in Arles. Easels throughout the city mark the site of van Gogh paintings, such as this cafe:

A family posing for pictures at the cafe in the painting:

Finding the easels was a fun treasure hunt. Look, a garden!

Just outside of town, look! Another easel! See? Isn't that fun? An awesomely rickety drawbridge, looking slightly more dreary than in its painting. Deterioration from the intense light of a bazillion flash bulbs? Probably . . .

South of Arles is the Camargue, the marshy delta of the Rhone river. The Camargue is home to an ancient breed of horses, the Camargue horse, a rugged little white Iberian horse. I love a white horse, easy to find at a distance:
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