Evelyn and I headed out early Saturday and arrived in Chester in the early afternoon. Beautiful scenery on the road to Chester, and at Angela's house, where we camped:

Before heading out on the trail, we stopped at a craft fair in downtown Chester where I bought this opal ring, which was super cheap because the opal had a crack:

We rode on forest service land just down the street from Angela's house, around one lobe of Lake Almanor, then across the causeway splitting the lake. The marshes on the edge of Lake Almanor:

Great picture Kerry took of the lake in the evening:

Evelyn has kids so she never sleeps and I am a morning person. Angela is working on an owl study and does most of her field work at night. Luckily Evelyn and I spotted this coffee shop just down the street, where we found morning lattes and cinnamon rolls, and stayed a few hours to avoid driving the late sleepers bananas. I waited in line behind a guy dressed to the nines in camo and red check flannel, who told the barrista she was about to save him from the worst cup of coffee ever. Since the coffee shop had not been open, he was forced to drink a cup of gas station coffee before going fishing that morning. Now that he had caught his fish and the shop was open, he was ready for his mocha. I thought Chester looked like a ride-your-horse-to-the-coffee-shop kind of place, so I did, the next morning.

On Sunday we rode part of the Bizz Johnson trail, a trail that follows the old Fernley and Lassen Branch line of the Southern Pacific. The line carried lumber and sometimes passengers from 1914 until 1956. It is named for former congressman Harold T. "Bizz" Johnson, who was instrumental to the rails-to-trails conversion effort when the line was formally abandoned in 1978. Lukka, who tends to overheat, rocked a new, airflow-friendly hairdo on the Bizz.

I loaned Lukka to Kerry and rode Angela's young horse Cygan, who was very kind to me:

The Susan River:

Evelyn, Kerry, and Angela next to the Susan River:

The trailhead at Devil's Corral:

Angela and Cracker the dog. Evelyn and I found that cute little yellow travel trailer bird feeder at the Chester craft fair:

Mark taking Cracker for a bike ride before we headed home on Monday:
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